Improving 1B lives by universal access to lifesaving knowledge
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Susanne’s story
In 2013 Susanne made a unique discovery. During her genetic research at Harvard, she discovered that millions of young people are dying because of a lack of access to avaialble lifesaving information.
She also discovered that we can end this by using exponential technologies, such as genomics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and blockchain technology.

View the most booked keynotes about the future of your industry
How to Solve Tomorrow’s Diseases?
Listen to the popular TEDxINSEAD speech from Susanne about the reinvention of health.
MOONSHOT thinking
What’s your dream? Your purpose in life. Be inspired by Susanne and start following yours.
How to personalize your Field?
A new perspective. Learn how personalizing healthcare can be applied to your field.
How I create a better future for humanity
In 1962 President John F. Kennedy delivered a speech at Rice University where he spoke the famous words, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade.”
These words planted the seeds that ultimately changed the course of humanity. Like President John F. Kennedy chose to place a man on the moon, I choose to create global access to lifesaving knowledge for all.
Susanne’s Massive transformative purpose
Saving lives by connecting people to knowledge. Every year millions of patients around the world are dying because of a lack of access to available lifesaving information. And that needs to stop.
Imagine you have a daughter with a rare brain tumor? You want to know everything about this tumor. Maybe there is another little girl
The local hospital has never seen your case before and there is nothing they can do. But as a
So let’s start saving millions of lives by creating this future! That’s what I do. That’s what wakes me up at the middle of the night. Knowing we can create this future and impact so many lives is what’s makes me unstoppable!
You can help too.
By supporting my work you can help to connect the dots to start saving lives!
My work is based on gifts of people believing in the future I am building. By supporting me you support this future.
Let’s reinvent healthcare and become a lifesaver yourself. Because you care about your children and loved ones.
Let me provide a keynote at your next big event. By asking me as speaker thousands of people will be inspired.

– Chair Da Vinci Committee

– Former CEO Siemens

– Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands

– Sr. VP & CIO Philips IT Global

– Co-founder Pink Ribbon BE
Let’s reinvent health Together!
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"Transforming billions of lives by connecting patients, loved ones and passionate scientists to accelerate medical breakthroughs."
-Susanne Baars MSc. MA.
Made with ❤ in Utrecht, The Netherlands.